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Bwalya Bwalya
Bwalya Bwalya

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My neighbor and I have a game we play every week on Saturday morning after her husband leaves for work . Much the same she walks around naked so I can watch her and I stand in the sliding double doors and jack off for her. We have never met but she loves to watch me .

As soon as the Roman Catholic service was over, I crossed the river in the ferry-boat to Sandwich, on the British side, intending to go to the Episcopal Church there, and had an agreeable walk of about a mile and a half along the bank of the river. At the court-house I got into conversation with the person who had charge of the church as well as the gaol, a respectable old English soldier, who had been near half a century in Canada. This interesting man had preserved his loyalty to his sovereign and native country amidst all the changes and temptations he had been exposed to. He conversed with me freely about the state of that part of the country, and observed that it was gradually settling with respectable English families; that demagogues and agitators were not much countenanced by them and that the whole population, with few exceptions, promised to be as loyal as it was industrious. He said their American neighbours were a very industrious and active race of people, and that they lived upon good terms with them. I was struck with this pleasing instance of two people, only divided by a river 1500 yards wide, each living happily under two such different forms of government, in a sincere attachment to each of which they have been respectively brought up.

A group of wretched-looking Winnebagoes were lying about some nearly extinguished embers in the open air, not far from the bank of the river; one of them was quite naked, except his breech-clout; but being accustomed to this mode of life, they appear insensible to its inconveniences. Observing one of the squaws with a papoose, or child, about eighteen months old, I went to my tent, and taking a biscuit, gave it to her, telling her it was for the child. She smiled, and seemed very much pleased, but the papoose seemed not to care much about it, for I saw the mother a short time afterwards eating

I left Gleeson's at half-past three P.M., and took to the lake again. Here we were obliged to paddle through an immense long field of zizania growing in the water. At half-past five we landed for the evening, and were obliged to encamp in the long grass, there being nothing else near us. I had a glorious scene here at sunset, that luminary lighting up with his parting beams several thousand acres of zizania, extending at least five miles in one direction and two miles in the other; the heads of the plant all waving gently about, as we sometimes see those of an extensive wheat-field do. When the grain parts from the head easily, the Indians enter amongst the plants with their canoes, and bending down the culminating part into them, thrash it out into the bottom as well as they can, until they have got as much as they can carry away. This must be a remarkable locality for the purpose. The grain was now generally formed, though not mature; the wild ducks concealed amongst the plants were quacking loudly, the red-winged blackbirds were issuing from them in clouds, and the night hawks (Caprimulus) were wheeling about and screaming in every direction. Take it altogether, it was one of the most rare and pleasing scenes I ever witnessed.

About 2 P.M., finding a commodious place, we landed, and as soon as the smoke of our fire arose, some wild-looking Winnebagoes came to us, all naked except their breech-clouts, and offered us wild plums and service berries. The first they called changera, the ch being a strong guttural; the other (Sorbus am.) they called chashera, using the same guttural. I could get no information from these Indians: they seemed to be very poor; and as soon as I gave them some biscuit, they went away. My Canadians seemed to pity my simplicity in

I ROUSED my men before 5 A.M., and striking the camp, proceeded onwards. In every direction the country was covered with long wild grass; the buffalo, that formerly used to keep it down, having been driven to the other side of the Mississippi. This state of things will not last long, for the American population will soon drive the Indians after the buffalo, and the cultivated grasses will take the place of the wild ones. The scythe of what is called "civilization" is in motion, and everything will fall before it. Ere long the poor Indian will have to bid a final adieu to those plains over which he has so long wandered, and to seek and obtain a better subsistence on the other side of the Mississippi, than the hips and haws he finds in his native but unproductive wilderness. How long the white man will leave him in peace there, is an affair of the future: at present the race is advancing with a giant's pace, eradicating everything in its progress, first the buffalo and next the Indians; substituting for the unpretending barbarity of nature, the artificial government of meum and tuum, with the improvements in fraud and vice that are attendant upon those reasoning powers which make him so superior to the naked savage. Alas! if men are to be held accountable for the use they sometimes make of their reason, the Indian, with his

The day at length becoming cold and rainy, our musical propensities became dormant, and we went silently on anticipating the evening encampment and its comfortable fires, when we discovered that we had not exclusive possession of the country, a small canoe heaving in sight from below. On coming up with it we found it contained an old-looking Indian, his squaw and two young children: the squaw had some clothes on, but the man and the children were quite naked. They looked uncomfortable enough to be sure, but Indians are so accustomed to suffer in this manner, that they never complain. They are only really unhappy when they cannot procure food. I gave this poor family a few biscuits, and the woman seemed grateful.

It requires no argument to prove that a republican people, so notoriously unquiet as their geographical position and their democratical form of government have made the Americans, must always remain doubtful and dangerous neighbours, against whose future power every wise precaution should be seasonably taken. The prudent and the good of that country are without political power, and are becoming worn out with futile attempts to acquire it. Every generation being still further removed from the salutary examples of the founders of their Republic, it may fairly be assumed that power will hereafter, upon too many occasions, be placed in the hands of men, who, to promote their own ends, will indulge the

Descending by a different direction, to examine a naked escarpment, I found the siliceo-calcareous rocks alternated often with sandstone, with strong beds of sandstone of a rather compact kind at the base; but I could find no fossils in any of the beds. Having reached the camp a little after sunset, I hastened to relieve myself of my bedrabbed patent water-tight garments; and after a hearty supper, commenced the fatiguing business of drying everything by the fire, which occupied me until a late hour. Meantime, my people, who cared nothing about being in wet clothes, as soon as they had made their accustomed carnivorous meal, and enjoyed their noisy conversation and their pipes, wrapped themselves up in their blankets, and were soon all asleep. Left, whilst standing by my fire, to the uninterrupted action of a busy imagination, I was struck by the apparently intelligent manner in which the owls and other night-birds answered each other. Every now and then an owl to the north, not more perhaps than 200 yards from the camp, would put his questions in a rather startling and distinct manner, and after a measured interval of time, the response, equally distinct, would be heard from the south, very near to me; there being to me, who have a very nice musical ear, a sensible difference in the intonation and modulation of the two voices. I was very much interested in this; everything connected with natural history is pleasing to me; and

I found Milor intelligent and anxious to oblige: he had the physiognomy of a French gentleman of the ancien régime, and a good deal of the polite manner of one. He told me that he did not know exactly how he had obtained the name of Milor; that he had always been told that his father was a French officer; but added, "Il se peut, Monsieur, que ce fut un Milor Anglais." No doubt he got the soubriquet from some circumstance or other when he was very young. The national name of the numerous Sioux tribes, he informed me, was Nahcotah, and not Dahcotah, as it has been hitherto supposed to be. Nahcotah, he said, meant "the connected people," just as Lenni Lenape means "the original people" with the Delaware Indians. Dahcotah is a name given to them by other Indians, who claim kindred with them, and means "mes parens," or "my relations." But the confusion which prevails respecting the proper names of the Indian tribes, the frequency with which names given to them by their neighbours are substituted

It certainly looked very uninviting; and I told Milor to inform the women that I wanted a large joint, and not little smoked pieces, upon which one of them replied that there was one in the lodge. Accordingly, putting aside the skin curtain, we entered this Indian larder to look at it, when it turned out to be part of the breast lying on the ground all bloody and dirty, upon which a little naked boy was squatted down on his haunches. I looked at this delicacy more than once, and then told Milor I could not eat it, and therefore should not have anything to do with it. His answer was, "Mais, Monsieur, c'est bien bon lors'qu'il est cuit." Reflecting, however, that my scruples might not be quite so strong when I was hungry, we finally accepted it; and the Indians, who had not had any pork in a very long time, were highly delighted 59ce067264


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